Grandparent-grandchild communication: synthesis of integrative model


  • Dare N Akinloye


Grandparent-grandchild communication, Theoretical review, Future research directions, Theoretical synthesis


This paper systematically reviews research attending the main theoretical frameworks in the grandparent-grandchild (GP-GC) communication literature. The frameworks have been organized herein according to whether they are communicatively behavior-focused, affect-related, or intergroup-oriented. The specific theories under these umbrellas are then conceptualized in a two-dimensional space (i.e., high vs low interpersonal and intergroup dimensions), and their relative heuristic values are considered. Four directions for future GP-GC communication research are identified, including more longitudinal studies, increased attention to grandparents' perspectives, inclusion of additional theories, and increased attention to possible demographic differences in GP-GC communication. Highly heuristic GP-GC theories and these future research directions are then synthesized into a new integrative model that can be tested to continue advancing the study of this important social arena.


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Grandparent-grandchild communication: synthesis of integrative model. (2024). Psychology Nexus, 1(1), 1-15.